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We are selling artwork from predominantly local artists with proceeds benefitting the East Oakland Collective.  Please CLICK HERE or go to "Art sale for EOC" on the site menu.

This sale is live for February 2021, we will be sending out periodic updates for when the even goes live and what will be featured.  If you're looking for some new artwork for your home, office, or home office, this is a great way to support a good cause and pick up some amazing work. 

We already have some confirmed big names donating work, and our list continues to grow daily.

Hannah Wolf and Old Crow Tattoo are spearheading a fundraiser for the East Oakland Collective;(
specifically for Covid-19 relief.  We chose this organization because East Oakland has been disproportionately affected by the pandemic.  We believe this 501(c)3 nonprofit can make real change for this community.  Now, more than ever, organizations like this need our help with their efforts as this pandemic continues to threaten our most high risk areas, and our most high risk citizens.
Find more data here:

please fill out our contact form below, or email to be added to our list for updates.

East Oakland Fundraiser Contact
Are you an Artist or Collector?

Thanks for submitting!

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